Monday, June 30, 2014


My name is Brandon and my wife and I are really excited to start this blog to share our story.  This has been a long time in the making.  I hope you read the intro to see what our blog is really about.  If you have not read it, it is about encouraging couples to fight for their families to stay together through the worst of circumstances.  Yes, I have put my family through hell and am so lucky that my wife was inspired to ask her Father in Heaven what to do instead of doing what every other human would have done in the situation and turn and leave.  My story really starts when I was at the ripe age of 7.  This was the first time I was exposed to pornography.  It was something that I was drawn to the first time I viewed it.  I look back and see that the adversary set this huge hook in my chest and it would take 30 years to remove it.  The adversary is real.  I am sure of it as sure as I am living and I know that he is there and is doing everything in his power to destroy mankind.  He is working on each of us and many of us have no idea how influential he is on us in our daily lives.  I will continue to talk about how he had trapped me and what he did to get me to cave.  I will also talk about the experiences that led me to come clean and how our Father in Heaven is more powerful than the Dark One.  Stay tuned.

Addiction to pornography is real.  Society would say otherwise.  Satan has done such a good job of creating addictions and then making them completely acceptable by humans.

Now that my wife and I have this up and running we will be posting frequently.  Please comment and be engaging in this journey of ours.


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